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Inspire confidence and encourage societal engagement by exploring the factors that contribute to cohesive communities and identify actions to advocate for change.

Designed to inspire confidence and encourage social engagement, Voice Your Voice is an initiative that allows students to explore a range of factors that contribute to social cohesion in communities and identify topics and issues they can use to advocate for change.


A student-led program, Voice Your Voice offers the chance for young people to come together and discuss social issues and develop a media campaign focused on a topic they believe is the most important to their community.


Suitable for Years 6-10 and VCAL students, the program is made up of three introductory workshops exploring communities, advocacy and ideation. Students then participate in media workshops focusing on storyboarding, scripting, filming, and editing.


At the end of the program, students showcase their work to an audience, allowing them to celebrate their successes and learning.

It was good to see students that have previously been disengaged in other classes passionately trying to persuade their peers to select their social change idea as the class focus.

Teacher, Voice Your Voice participant

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